Hey hello everyone I am back with an interesting topic.

Everything you need to know about Quantum computing

3 min readMay 20, 2021

The next personal computers for us.

“Quantum Computing” is an area focused on developing a technology based on the principles of quantum theory which defines the atomic and subatomic levels of an atom.

So in simple terms, quantum computing means “computing” or doing “calculations” on a computer using the quantum theory. That’s it in simple terms.

So normally our daily work is done on bits based on 0’s and 1’s we call these bits where zero is off and one is on.

Now the crazy thing about quantum computers is that they can be in a “superposition” stage which is 0 and 1 at the same time this stage to “be” or to “be not ” is the main key to quantum computing.

So how the qubits are made?

First of all, qubits can be in a stage called “superposition” so scientists have to find a spot in a material where they can access and control these quantum properties once they access them they can use light or magnetic fields to create a “superposition” stage.

The above image of the quantum computer developed at IBM.

A quantum computer is much efficient and capable of doing things that can’t be done by a normal computer there is an endless number of possibilities. These computers can perform in greater and a faster way than supercomputers.

Uses of quantum computers

The pharmaceutical company can simulate molecules to better understand drug interactions.

We can also balance the risk of investment

A new generation of electric vehicles through quantum battery technology.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, there are more things we can do with quantum computers.

History of quantum computing?

The history of quantum computers was very interesting as quantum computing works on the laws of quantum physics to store data and perform complex calculations which can be simulated in an environment.

In the late 1980s, a person named Paul Benioff proposed a quantum mechanical model of the Turing machine. Then later in 1998 Isaac Chuang of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Neil Gershenfeld of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Mark Kubinec of the University of California at Berkeley created the first quantum computer (2-qubit) that could be loaded with data and output a solution.

Currently, a quantum computer can hold up to 128 qubits which are owned by companies like Google, IBM, Microsoft.

This how the chip of quantum computer chip looks like.{bristlecone}

sources:- “Google”

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